Burford Bell Tower, West Compton

Burford Bell Tower CloseupRenovation projects are always interesting, so when one of our customers asked if we could help restore a hundred year old bell tower we got quite excited! We replaced the wooden framework with a metal replica, which should last at least another hundred years.

"I have used Castle Welding on a number of projects, but this was different, a bell tower. The original tower had been constructed in wood and generally was on its last legs. On speaking to the owners, had they considered, building it from steel, this is where I brought in Castle Welding. The tower was lowered to the ground and taken to the factory for accurate measuring, as every thing had to be identical. On looking back at the project, and as the main contractor, the project went very well, but one of the main things for me is that it was surveyed well, as base was not level and not square. There was no room for error with a Bell Tower, as when you are 20 metres up on a scaffolding, things need to be right. Top marks Castle Welding."

Edward Moon. E.J. Moon Ltd